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CPC Scotland Keeping Kids Safe During Lockdown

Published: Thursday, 14 January 2021

South Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee supports Child Protection Scotland’s Keeping Kids Safe during Lockdown Campaign.

CPCScotland and South Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee maintain that it’s vital for everyone to be alert to signs that all is not well for a child or young person and to take action if you’re worried about a child or young person’s wellbeing during this phase of the pandemic.

Coping with the pandemic has been challenging for everyone, but some families will have been under more strain than others. Parents who were struggling to cope before Coronavirus may have been pushed to crisis point during this year, and this may have put some families under even more pressure. Sadly, some children and young people will experience neglect or abuse.

As most of Scotland re-enters lockdown, and the re-opening of schools and nurseries is delayed, families across the country face new challenges and stresses, and some children may experience abuse or neglect.

The role of the community to use their ears and eyes to help keep children safe from harm is particularly important when most children are not in the usual routine of school or nursery. As such, CPCScotland is continuing to repeat our core message that it’s always better to say something than do nothing.

If you are worried about a child you should call Social Work Resources on 0303 123 1008 or Police Scotland on 101, or if a child is in immediate danger please call 999. 

It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe from harm.

You can find more information about where to get help on the Child Protection Scotland website or Child Protection South Lanarkshire .

Campaign Links:

Keeping Kids Safe During Lockdown page

