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It’s Okay to Ask Campaign
Published: Tuesday, 21 November 2023
The cost of living crisis has led to very tough times for many families in Scotland.
South Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee supports Child Protection Scotland’s new It’s Okay To Ask campaign which encourages any parent or carer who is struggling to look after their children to ask for help before reaching crisis point.
The cost-of-living crisis has led to very tough times for many families in Scotland. Rocketing food and energy prices have been very challenging for everyone, but especially for families on low incomes who already have money worries. Finding enough money for food, heating and lighting bills, and for things that children need on a day-to-day basis can lead to real stress and anxiety for many parents and carers. Those difficulties might even affect how well parents are able to look after their children, and themselves.
Times are tight for everyone. If you’re struggling for money and finding it hard to support your children as well as you’d like to, it’s better to seek help before reaching crisis point #ItsOkayToAsk
Parents and carers can find sources of held and support on the It’s Okay To Ask campaign page on the Child Protection Scotland website:
Campaign videos
The three campaign videos are available on the Child Protection Scotland YouTube channel.
Video 1 - Cost of food
Video 2 - Cost of heating and lighting
Video 3 - No spare cash