Working with vulnerable children
When seeking to protect children from harm, it should be recognised that there are children where risk factors will make them more vulnerable to abuse. These include:
- self harm or suicide attempts
- alcohol or drug misuse
- running away or going missing
- inappropriate sexual behaviour or relationships
- sexual exploitation
- problematic or harmful sexual behaviour
- violent behaviour
- criminal activity
Vulnerable children and young people living in Lanarkshire need agencies to work in partnership to assess, plan and review their circumstances, providing support which is proportionate, based on individual needs and focused on improving outcomes.
The Vulnerable Children and Young People Good Practice Guidance has been developed to underpin multi-agency work to help identify vulnerability in children, young people and their families and to support assessment, planning and review to improve outcomes for them.
It sets out how agencies should work together when vulnerability has been identified to protect children from harm and help prevent further deterioration which could lead to, for example, a child or young person running away.
This multi agency guidance should be used in conjunction with other relevant single and multi agency procedures, protocols and guidance.